
How to sell on Jumia | Legit Way

Jumia is the most popular ecommerce website in Nigeria which most people think all the products listed on the site are originally owned and sold by Jumia. But that’s not true, the products on Jumia are listed by vendors.

I’m not sure if Jumia even owns one product on their website, as vendors are the ones who sell the products, while the work of Jumia is just to fulfill the order. That is, you too can become a seller on Jumia, as you can make a lot of money without much stress.

I believe learning about that will make you want to know how to sell on Jumia. That’s why we’ve curated this post to show you an exact step-by-step guide to start selling on Jumia.

You’ll get to know the terms and conditions associated with selling on Jumia, how to make the most money, and also how to make your product always show up on Jumia to maximize your sale, as well as the fastest selling products to make the most profits.

What is Jumia

Jumia is an ecommerce website that allows people to buy different kinds of products online and have them delivered to them either at a delivery station or home. The company offers its service across many African countries including Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, etc.

The platform is popularly known by buyers, you can also become a seller on Jumia. You can list your products, get sales, and make money without having to deliver the products yourself.

Benefits Selling on Jumia

Reach wider Audience

A lot of sellers on Jumia are people who have physical shops. If you already have products you’re selling offline, with over 7 million monthly users (in Nigeria alone) Jumia offers a great platform for you to go online and reach a wider audience, thereby building brand awareness.

Increase Sales

In line with reaching a wider audience, you can also increase the sale of your products, and rapidly skyrocket the growth of your business at large selling on Jumia.

It is Free

Another benefit of Jumia to sellers is that it is free to sign up as a seller and list your products for sale. That simply means no upfront investment whatsoever is required.

Work From Home

Jumia doesn’t only benefit people with shops and products already. You can become a seller on Jumia if you have a product to sell. You can list your product on the platform and sell them right from the comfort of your home.

Jumia is also a good place to engage in dropshipping and mini importation. That is you can become a seller on Jumia without having to see or touch the products, all you need is a smartphone.

How To Make Money Selling on Jumia

Sellers or Vendors make money on Jumia when someone (buyers) orders and pays for their products. However, a certain percentage is charged by Jumia from every sale.

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Keep in mind that no money is charged upfront while registering and listing your products on Jumia. That means you’ll only be charged whenever you make a sale, although the commissions vary based on product categories.

How to sell on Jumia

1 Visit the Jumia vendors page

First of all, to start selling on Jumia, you need to visit the Jumia vendor page, read all the terms and conditions, then proceed to sign up if you’re satisfied.

2 Complet the registration process

On the sign-up page, you’ll be asked to enter some personal information including your email address, company name, phone number, bank account details, residential address, and so on. Ensure that you enter the correct information, and cross-check it one more time before submitting.

After that, you’ll be sent an email containing the Jumia Seller Center Access Code. Copy the code, visit the Jumia Seller Center page, and use the access code to sign into your account. Once this is done, your account is fully activated and ready to sell products.

3 Go through the dedicated new seller trader

After registration, as a new seller, you’ll be prompted to take the dedicated training. This training is done online (YouTube) and offline. The purpose of the training is to help you become a better online vendor and an expert in eCommerce.

4 List your product

After the training, the next thing is to become a seller on Jumia. Now, upload at least 5 products you’ll like to sell. This process can be carried out through your seller center dashboard.

5 Optimize your listings

While listing your product, to get the best result you must practice a little SEO (search engine optimization). On Jumia, people go and search for specific products they want to buy, e.g “iPhone 14”.

If you want your products to show whenever the search phrase is entered on Jumia, you’ll need to optimize your listing. This can be achieved by following the guide below.

Optimize your Title: Make sure the title of your product is a search phrase. For example, a White apple wristwatch.

Optimize your description: Make that the product name appears multiple times in the product description.

Optimize your Imagine: Make sure you take a clear and quality image of the products you’re selling and ensure they are in the recommended size by Jumia.

Once all these are done one by one, you’re more likely to get sales in no time as a complete beginner.

6 Promotes your Product

Although Jumia has a lot of people coming directly to their website to buy products, and to quickly see results, it is better to drive traffic to your website using third-party platforms.

You can do this in two ways, either free or paid. The free method involves using social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Twitter to market your products for free.

You can also make use of social media for the paid method, it requires a little investment, although the result is quick and is more likely to drive sales than the free method. This paid method can be done by simply running ads on various social media platforms.

Another paid method of promoting your products is to use the Jumia advertisement. This converts like crazy. If you opt in for this service, your products will be featured on Jumia whenever a buyer searches for related products.

All these marketing methods work well and are ideal for those that want to see quick results selling on Jumia.

7 Understand Order Fulfillment Methods

Once you start driving sales, the next thing is to deliver the products to buyers. After getting an order, you have 24 hours to get the product ready to ship. Since sales will be coming in from different locations, you may be wondering how to fulfill the order.

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However, Jumia has made it easy for sellers to package and get products delivered to customers by offering two flexible methods which include the use of

Jumia VDO Station

Using this method, you’ll be responsible for storing and packaging the product for shipment. Then you’ll carry the package to the nearest Jumia VDO station, and they’ll complete the process by making sure the product is delivered to the buyer.

Jumia Express delivery

Using express delivery means that Jumia will be responsible for everything from storing, packaging, and delivery of the product to buyers. With this method upon listing your products on Jumia, you’ll have to deliver them to Jumia VDO where they will be until you get orders for them. Once you get an order the products will be packaged by Jumia and quickly ship it to buyers.

Things to know before selling on Jumia

There are some terms and conditions laid down by Jumia for sellers, and as a beginner, you need to know and abide by them to sell on the platform. They include.

  • Seller must be at least 18 years of age or selling under the supervision of a guardian or parent.
  • Your listing will be reviewed for approval. Therefore, it is a must to maintain business transparency and upload high-quality products.
  • Sellers must maintain price parity for your products. This means your product price must be certain across all platforms they are listed. You shouldn’t sell a product at a lower price on another platform and higher on Jumia.
  • You must complete the registration process and obtain a Tax Identification Number (TIN).
  • For promotional purposes, you should grant Jumia access to your products, branding materials, and trademarks.
  • Make sure your products are never out of stock. When it does, be sure to remove such products from your listings.
  • Maintain a Ready-to-Ship policy within 24 hours.

What you can sell on Jumia

Just like every other ecommerce website, there are guidelines for the types of products that can be sold by vendors. On Jumia products you can sell include.

  • Phone & Tablets (mobile phones, tablets, and accessories)
  • Home & Office (cookware, appliances, furniture, bedding, etc.)
  • Electronics (television, cameras, sound systems, etc.)
  • Computing (laptops, printers, scanners, software, networking services, etc.)
  • Fashion Items (clothing, jewelry, watches, etc.)
  • Health & Beauty (haircare, fragrances, makeup, etc.)
  • Automobile Products (car & motorcycle accessories, safety equipment, etc.)
  • Grocery (laundry, cooking, toiletries, beverages, etc.)
  • Baby Items (toys, apparel, diapering, etc.)
  • Sports Items (sport & fitness, cycling, camping, etc.)
  • Gaming Products (play station, video games, etc.)
  • Other Categories ( livestock, musicals, gardening, movies, etc.)

What you cannot sell on Jumia

Jumia also prohibits listing some products on its websites in order to ensure a good user experience. Products you cannot sell on Jumia include.

Stolen or counterfeit products.

  • Products that counterfeit financial instruments. E.g Currency, valid invoices from any country, fake money, etc.
  • Illegal substances and products sold to produce, modify or consume illegal substances. E.g Drugs, medicines, steroids, etc.
  • Every financial instrument disapproved by applicable financial controlling authorities.
  • Plants and animals threatened by extinction. E.g Fur, organs, part of animals.
  • Explosive materials.
  • Flammable materials.
  • Articles considered as being part of the historic patrimony.
  • Every article related to hacking.
  • Weapons and items related to ammunition, bullets.
  • Fake documents such as fake IDS, fake birth certificates, driving licenses, etc.
  • Items related to pedophilia, pornography, and naked children.
  • Therapies.
  • Every item which contravenes to intellectual property.
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If you attempt to sell all these prohibited products on Jumia, the product will not be approved, and this may even lead to Jumia deactivating your seller account permanently.

Is Selling on Jumia Free

No upfront investment is required to start selling on Jumia. However, a commission of a certain percentage is charged on every sale you make.

Steps registering on Jumia

Here are steps you should take when signing up on Jumia

Be serious and focus

Jumia expects that anyone desiring to sell on it’s platform should be serious minded and focused. Selling on Jumia is not an “On” and Off” thing. As a seller, orders would be placed daily for your products and it requires dedication, commitment, resources and ability to deliver the goods on time when orders are placed. Jumia also expects that all goods or items delivered should be of top quality. 

Must reside in Lagos Nigeria

Jumia expects all sellers on it’s marketplace to reside in Lagos, Nigeria. I believe this for logistic reasons. 

Have a registered Company

You will have better credibility if you have a registered company. This also shows some form of seriousness on your part. So, if you don’t have a registered company, go get one. In Nigeria, the Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) is saddled with the responsibility of registering companies. You can either incorporate your company or have a business name registered. 

Have a Corporate Bank account for your Business

When you are done with registering your company, the next step is to open a corporate bank account with any bank of your choice. Get your corporate bank account number because you will submit this information to Jumia. Your accrued sales for the month minus the Jumia’s commission will be paid into your bank account.

Have a functional contact Email address

Get a functional contact email address. This is so important because Jumia will alert via email when you receive an order for your products. Your email is your first communication tool with Jumia. If you don’t have an email account and address, you can open and register one with either Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail. The steps required are easy to follow. I recommend Gmail

Have at least 20 products you want to sell

Without products you cannot make money. Jumia is all about selling quality products. If you don’t have any products or items to sell then your mission and presence on Jumia will make you no money. Proper planning and consideration should be taken in choosing the products you want to sell on Jumia. It is usually good to sell a niche product – what others are not selling and if you can offer a better price than what others are selling on Jumia, you can also jump into the “sea” of sellers and compete to get awareness and sales.

The fact remains that Jumia offers equal opportunity to all sellers and would market your products without discrimination via its various marketing platforms. So what you offer has to be marketable and the quality, applicability and price is KEY in getting sales. So think this through very well and come on board “smoking” with products designed to sell.

Tip: Spool other sellers products on Jumia Marketplace. Observe and learn their style – how products are described, the way product “Key Features” are presented and how prices are used to get the attention of buyers.

Contact Jumia Personal to apply

Now you are ready to get registered. This step is simple. Jumia is interested in getting more sellers on-board and for this reason they have a special department with professional and experienced personnel’s who are saddled with the responsibility to get you registered and bring you on-board.

The Jumia Seller recruitment section will send you a contract document which you will digitally sign and submit back to them. A Seller Center account will be opened for you using your email address and the company details you have provided. Once this is done, you will be contacted via SMS/email, informing you that you Seller Center Marketplace account has being opened. This is all it takes to get started.


If you’re looking to venture into e-commerce to make money online in Nigeria and some other African countries, Jumia has offered a great platform for you to start with as a beginner. If you’re looking to get started right away, I believe this post on how to sell on Jumia in 2023 has all that you need!

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